Good news, I finally have a complete Pathfinder BMS on my desk!

I will be putting these up for pre-sale ASAP, but there is still work to do.
At a minimum, the datasheet needs to be finished before pre-sale can start.
After that, the firmware needs to be finished.
These BMSs are capable of OTA online or offline (UF2- drag-n-drop) firmware updates, but we will not ship them until the firmware is fully functional.

Pathfinder BMS feature list:
• 170 amps continuous duty rating.
• M10x1.5 solid brass studs with stainless hardware.
• Screw terminals accept up to 14ga wire for the balance wires. (18ga wire is recommended)
• Works with LTO, NMC, and LiFePO4.
• 3-16 cells LiFePO4 or LTO, 3-12 cells NMC.
• Cell count is field configurable, with various pre-set configurations available. (4s and 16s pictured above).
• Battery voltage up to 64v, and as low as 7v.
• Advanced State-of-Charge monitoring algorithms via a Texas Instruments BQ34Z100 Fuel Gauge chip.
• Positive-side switching (More intuitive, allows a chassis ground to the cell negative)
• Base plate with mounting ears and optional DIN rail mounts.
• 1 amp high current passive balancer built into the base plate.
• Modular open frame design, integrated air cooled copper heat sink.
• 2 external cell temperature probes + 2 internal temperature sensors.
• Wired discharge shutoff switch.
• OLED display and button pad.
• USB-C For wired monitoring and updates.
• Bluetooth and Wifi remote monitoring via optional internet connection.
• Password protection and encrypted wireless data.
• NO user accounts, NO spyware, always free monitoring applications.

Stay tuned, updates will be coming frequently now!
Is this a BMS that can communicate with a Victron system? Thank you very much
Been a low key customer for a while……..Love me americain made
Cant wait to get my hands on three of these units…!!! I have a mountain of Tesla batteries that I want to repurpose..
Any rough idea when these will be available to the public?
There should be a way for people to sign up for updates to Pathfinder and release date for purchases. (I searched this page or my account and could not find anything)
Sign me up, I’m ready. Features i’m looking for: A decent StateOfCharge system, positive-side switching, and communication that makes sense for me. I wish it had an isolated CAN bus so it could be thrown in with the NMEA2000 on the boat. Also, heater enable pin that came on when it was charging in lower temps.
I need dimentions and price if you have that.
I have a need for about 50 to 100units. What is the price to quote my cutomer. 12 voolt 4S. I am in the final design phase. Been using another brand to show my customer.
Is this new BMS still compatible with mounting two BMS in parallel
thank you for your help
best regards